Reducing the risk of motion sickness
There are different things you can try in order to prevent motion sickness or at least reduce its effects, including:
- During motion, look at an earth-fixed object. For example, if you are on a boat, try and look at the horizon or land masses from the deck, rather than the inside of the cabin. Also, car passengers should sit in the front seat and look through the window, rather than sitting in the rear and looking at objects moving with the interior of the car (such as reading a book).
- Motion sickness does not usually occur when movement is under a person’s control. The driver of a car is less likely to get motion sickness than a passenger. Position yourself where you will experience the least motion, such as over the wings in an aeroplane or in the centre of a ship.
- The larger the vehicle, the less susceptible it is to motion so, if possible, try to travel on a ship rather than a small boat.
- Some people find that closing their eyes is the best way to eliminate sensory confusion.
- Avoid alcohol for 24 hours before travelling and during the trip.
- Make sure you have plenty of fresh air. Fumes or smoke can exacerbate symptoms.
- On brief journeys, try not to eat or drink anything.
- On long journeys, eat and drink sparingly and often.
- Anxiety worsens symptoms. Use relaxation techniques and if your anxiety is marked, you could consider professional counselling.